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To support teachers and administrators with curriculum, instruction, and assessment to improve art skills in creating, listening, analyzing, performing, contextualizing, perceiving, creating meaning and expressing in the various arts forms of Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts in order to prepare students for citizenship, college and careers.
The elementary grades have arts time during "Brain Boosters" including Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Art. Every elementary school has at least one art form. Specific courses in all four art forms are available for students in grades 6 – 12. Benefits of Study in the ARTS: (taken from “Arts with the Brain in Mind” by Eric Jensen)
♪ The arts reach students not ordinarily reached, in ways not normally used.
♪ Students connect to each other better – greater camaraderie, fewer fights, less racism, and reduced use of hurtful sarcasm.
♪ It changes the environment to one of discovery. This can re-ignite the love of learning…
♪ Arts provide challenges for students at all levels, from delayed to gifted. It’s a class where all students can find their own level, automatically.
The State of Utah has a graduation requirement of 1.5 credits in Fine Arts (grades 9-12) and a requirement of 1.0 credits in Fine Arts for grades 7-8.
The elementary grades have arts time during "Brain Boosters" including Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Art. Every elementary school has at least one art form. Specific courses in all four art forms are available for students in grades 6 – 12. Benefits of Study in the ARTS: (taken from “Arts with the Brain in Mind” by Eric Jensen)
♪ The arts reach students not ordinarily reached, in ways not normally used.
♪ Students connect to each other better – greater camaraderie, fewer fights, less racism, and reduced use of hurtful sarcasm.
♪ It changes the environment to one of discovery. This can re-ignite the love of learning…
♪ Arts provide challenges for students at all levels, from delayed to gifted. It’s a class where all students can find their own level, automatically.
The State of Utah has a graduation requirement of 1.5 credits in Fine Arts (grades 9-12) and a requirement of 1.0 credits in Fine Arts for grades 7-8.
Canyons School District Principles of Student Achievement
- All CSD students and educators are part of ONE proactive educational system.
- Evidence based instruction and interventions are aligned with rigorous content standards.
- Data are used to guide instructional decisions, align curriculum horizontally and vertically, and allocate resources.
- CSD educators use instructionally relevant assessments that are reliable and valid, including screening/benchmarking, diagnostic, and progress monitoring.
- CSD educators make decisions based on student needs.
- Quality professional development supports effective instruction for ALL students.
- Leadership at all levels is vital.
District Arts Team
Sharee Jorgensen - District Arts Coordinator, Arts Consortium Chair
Monica Lewis- Arts Team
Rachel Marshall- Arts Team
Katie Thames- Arts Team, Elem. Arts Coach
The Canyons School District Arts Consortium is a collaborative group of individuals representing district personnel, professional arts organizations, parents, teachers and others with a vested interest in promoting and developing quality arts education for the students in the district. The consortium meets quarterly.
Monica Lewis- Arts Team
Rachel Marshall- Arts Team
Katie Thames- Arts Team, Elem. Arts Coach
The Canyons School District Arts Consortium is a collaborative group of individuals representing district personnel, professional arts organizations, parents, teachers and others with a vested interest in promoting and developing quality arts education for the students in the district. The consortium meets quarterly.